This books publish date is and it has a suggested retail price of $ It was published by Wesleyan University Press and has a total of pages in the Edition: 3rd.

This particular edition is in a Paperback format. Book Summary: The title of this book is Nature Knows No Color-Line and it was written by J. Nature Knows No Color-Line: Research Into the Negro Ancestry in the White Race (Hardback or Cased Book) Rogers, J. Rogers was a humanist who believed that there were no scientifically evident racial divisions-all humans belong to one “race.”Cited by: 4. In Nature Knows No Color-Line, originally published inhistorian Joel Augustus Rogers examined the origins of racial hierarchy and the color problem. Rogers was a humanist who believed that there were no scientifically evident racial divisions-all humans belong to one “race.”. In Nature Knows No Color-Line, originally published inhistorian Joel Augustus Rogers examines the origins of racial hierarchy Nature knows no color-line book the color problem. 1 offer from $ Amazing Facts About the Negro with Complete Proof: A Short Cut to The World History of The Negro J. Nature Knows No Color-Line: Research into the Negro Ancestry in the White Race J. Rogers the Author of Nature Knows No Colour Line has engaged continuously in research on the Afrikan Race since Published himself his first book From Superman in after it was refused by establish Publishers He has since published 7 others good books about Afrikan People and their contribution to world civilization J.A. Rogers was a humanist who believed that there were no scientifically evident racial divisions―all humans belong to one "race."Cited by: 4. In Nature Knows No Color-Line, originally published inhistorian Joel Augustus Rogers examines the origins of racial hierarchy and the color problem.